How to Retire

Today a Google response to “How to Retire in Australia” brought mostly advertisements from wealth creation companies. Out of the sixteen results on page one of the internet search only three were useful to a potential retiree.

Desire to retire but something is holding you back!

Making decisions to transition to retirement or fully retire can be influenced by the financial circumstances you face BUT it is not the whole picture. Retirement is such a personal journey. What is it that holds you back from preparing, planning and having conversations around your retirement?

Is it this typical scenario?

When asked “What do you do?” answering I am a teacher, ambo, social worker (Nurturing professional) brings a sense of being a ‘somebody’ in our society. Answering I am retired can bring a sense of being an oldie on the scrapheap; a sense of being a nobody.

You are not your title.

So how can you make those decisions for your next stage of life more easily and clearly? As a nurturing professional you know the importance of preparation and planning.

I recall when I announced I was leaving my job as a nurturing professional, a welfare officer in a Government school, my colleagues mostly responded with, “What are you going to do?” They were grasping with the notion I would not have a regular secure paid job and what would I be if I wasn’t THE Welfare Officer. For me it was the best decision I ever made.

Let me share with you the life experience of a colleague in a volunteer organisation I belong to who retired well ahead of the usual retirement age for paramedics; he was an ambulance officer. As a nurturing professional he was exhausted from meeting the needs of others, having little time and energy to nurture himself or members of his family. In his own words he knew the ‘writing was on the wall’ so he took a leap of faith and stepped out of his profession with dignity and courage.

He contributes to society in so many positive ways, he is far from being a nobody. He organises and delivers community sessions on health matters, helps kids improve their reading, is learning to pilot a single engine aircraft and meet the needs of his family. That is not the life of a nobody.

How exciting to learn to fly?

Preparing and planning for the next stage of life can be exciting too.

How much do you desire to retire but something is holding you back?

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About Estelle Kelly

Estelle Kelly is a qualified Life Coach and educator. Estelle has over twenty years of experience in the education and welfare sectors, and specialises in coaching her clients towards a happy and successful retirement.