How prepared are you for the next stage in life?

I am prompted to ask you this question as I have been reminded by my family about updating my Will. I am not old but I do know life circumstances can change suddenly and unexpectedly. I think of my client Ms L. whose husband died very unexpectedly. Ms L was so thankful he had an up-to-date Will at the time of his death.

Before his death Ms. L had not been the decision maker in the family so she found it daunting having to make decisions on her own. Suddenly she was dealing with a lot of uncertainty in her life. Even decisions about simple things like which plants to put in a new garden bed initially created much anxiety for her.

Over time and several conversations later Ms L grew in confidence about creating a new life for herself. She became more definite about her ideas rather than being swayed by other people’s opinions especially those of her strong-willed daughters. 

Imagine having the opportunity to do this for yourself without the tragic loss of a spouse/ life partner. Tap into my special three-part podcast series to hear how other clients have transitioned from feeling stuck in their current situation to making a change to a life they have envisaged.

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About Estelle Kelly

Estelle Kelly ACC is an Associate Certified Coach member of the International Coach Federation. Estelle has over twenty years of experience in the education and welfare sectors, and specialises in coaching her clients towards a happy and successful retirement.