Insights into Planning for a Longer Life

I’m sure you are aware that over the past three decades life expectancy in Australia has increased. Research titled, Hope for the Best; Plan for the Worst. Insights into Planning for a Longer Life carried out by the National Seniors organisation in February 2018 found that 85% of 5,500 respondents were aware of increased life expectancy, 15% were not. The research discovered that overall those who had planned for their retirement still hoped to be self-sufficient at very old ages, that is 90+ years.

22% of respondents disclosed they hadn’t planned at all for an increasing life span. 50% had made plans for living longer.

Also interestingly 38% had planned for lifestyle and travel, 46% had planned for health care.

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About Estelle Kelly

Estelle Kelly is a qualified Life Coach and educator. Estelle has over twenty years of experience in the education and welfare sectors, and specialises in coaching her clients towards a happy and successful retirement.